Diet & Nutrition

Diet & Nutrition2018-07-12T09:48:03-05:00


The kinds and amounts of food, liquid and supplements you take can have direct impacts on your health. This is especially true if you are trying to manage a chronic condition or are undergoing treatment for a serious health problem like cancer. Keeping some of these guidelines in mind is always a good start to maintaining and improving your good health.

Fats and Cholesterol

  • Reduce your fat intake and have your cholesterol levels checked regularly. Coronary Artery Disease is caused by the thickening and hardening of the inside walls of the arteries within the heart. Over time, this build up narrows or blocks the artery passageway and may result in a heart attack or stroke.
  • Reduce cholesterol-rich foods, such as eggs, red meat, fried foods, whole milk, ice cream, cheese and butter. Choose lean meats such as seafood, chicken, turkey and veal. Read labels and avoid high fat gram foods. Avoid trans fats. Good oils high in good polyunsaturated fats are safflower, corn and soybean oil, and olive oil.

Fruits and Veggies

  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. They are the best way to get essential vitamins and nutrients naturally.
  • To keep vitamin levels high, don’t cook vegetables for long periods and don’t cut them into small pieces. Even better, eat them raw.

Start the Day Right

Eat breakfast. Fasting overnight puts your body in “emergency” mode and breakfast takes you off “emergency” and can positively impact weight loss goals.


Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Water helps flush your body of toxins (including lactic acid after exercise) and prevents dehydration, not to mention it’s great for your skin!


Antioxidant vitamins reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and some cancers. The best sources are fruits and vegetables. However, we also recommend vitamin supplements at the recommended dosages below:

  • Vitamin A – 5000 IU/day
  • Vitamin B6 – 50 mg/day
  • Vitamin B12 – 200-500 micrograms/day
  • Vitamin C – 500-700 mg/day
  • Vitamin D – 400 IU/day (up to 800 IU/day for women)
  • Vitamin E – 400-800 IU/day (“mixed” Vitamin E is best)
  • Selenium – 100 micrograms/day

Folic Acid – 400-800 micrograms/day (1000 micrograms/day if planning pregnancy)

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